

The Affairs of Annabel


The Affairs of Annabel (1938)

(featuring Lucille Ball as Annabel Allison)

Lucille Ball Movies

Lucille Ball landed her first starring comedy role in the mile-a-minute farce The Affairs of Annabel. Lucy of course plays the title character, a screwball movie actress who indulges in one wacky publicity stunt after another at the behest of her press agent Morgan (Jack Oakie).

To promote an upcoming prison picture, Annabel gets herself arrested-and has quite a time extricating herself from behind bars. The limit comes when she gathers research for her next film by hiring on as a housemaid, culminating in a fake kidnapping that turns out to be the real thing.

Special Notes: The Affairs of Annabel was popular enough to inspire an equally hilarious sequel, Annabel Takes a Tour.

Movie #39
Film Date: 1938

Release Date: September 9, 1938
Film Type: comedy
Film Color: black/white
Studio: RKO-Radio
Film Length: 68 minutes

Lew Landers (Director)
Benjamin Stoloff (Director)
Lou Lusty (Producer)

Character Role:
Lucille Ball (Annabel Allison)

Supporting Cast:
Jack Oakie (Morgan)
Ruth Donnelly (Josephine)
Bradley Page (Webb)
Fritz Feld (Vladimir)
Thurston Hall (Major)
Elizabeth Risdon (Mrs. Fletcher)
Granville Bates (Mr. Fletcher)
James Burke (Muldoon)
Lee van Atta (Robert Fletcher)
Anthony Warde (Bailey)
Leona Roberts (Mrs. Hurley)
Eddie Marr (Martin)
Charles Coleman