"Stake-Out" Kelly (Bruce Cabot), ace detective, meets Mary Higgins (Judith Allen) at a small Hollywood sandwich shop where he expects to get some information concerning Packey Davis (Charles Sabin), head of a ring of jewel thieves.
His suspicions are confirmed when Mary warns him that Davis is outside waiting for him. Kelly sets a trap and, in the ensuing battle, one of the gangsters is killed.
Davis is interested in rubbing out Kelly as Kelly and Baker are the only two witnesses against Smitty (Arthur Rankin), a Davis henchman. Baker is in the hospital and the plan is bring Smitty there for identification. Kelly accidently slips the secret to Mary, who in turn innocently informs Packey. A trap is laid.
Special Notes: There are a few movie databases that list the incorrect Plot lines for this movie with the 1924 movie of the same name.