

Behind the Evidence


Behind the Evidence (1935)

(featuring Lucille Ball as Secretary)

Lucille Ball Movies

Norman Foster plays a well-known globetrotting millionaire (Tony Sheridan) who has recently lost his fortune. Taking a job as a society reporter for the Daily Herald, he soon finds himself protecting an old flame (Sheila Mannors) from her shady fiancé (Donald Cook) and his gang. He sets out to investigate this man’s activities.

From this point one revolver duel follows another. New light is thrown on recent developments with the help of the police. At the end the criminal gang is smoked out of its lair with tear-gas, and the gang leader is dispatched with a shot-gun.

Movie #17
Film Date: 1935

Release Date: January 8, 1935
Film Type: crime drama
Film Color: black/white
Studio: Columbia
Film Length: 70 minutes

Lambert Hillyer (Director)

Character Role:
Lucille Ball (Secretary) (uncredited)

Supporting Cast:
Norman Foster (Tony Sheridan)
Donald Cook (Ward Cameron)
Sheila Bromley (Ruth Allen)
Geneva Mitchell (Rita Sinclair)
Samuel S. Hinds (J.T. Allen)
Frank Darien (Herbert)