For the first time, the Carmichaels and the Bagleys will be spending Christmas together. Unfortunately, differences in family traditions cause Lucy and Viv to fight, almost ruining the holiday for the children.
Lucy wants a traditional green tree and Viv wants a white flocked one, so they decide to have two separate trees in the living room. One thing leads to another until they start breaking ornaments and hacking limbs off of the other's tree.
When carolers show up, the girls snap out of it and revive their Christmas spirit.
Special Notes: This is the first Christmas the Carmichael and Bagley families have celebrated at home together. Lucy usually takes her kids to visit her mother in Jamestown and Viv usually takes her kids to visit her uncle in Philadelphia.
Bloopers: Lucy calls Johnny the Parcel Postman by the actor's real name, Bob. Johnny the Postman fouls up Viv's name. He calls her "Mrs. Bradley" instead of "Mrs. Bagley".