To increase business at the Tropicana, Lucy concocts a publicity scheme that is prompted by a newspaper item claiming that the Shah of Persia has all of Benny Goodman's records. Lucy decides to become the Maharincess of Franistan, who travels halfway around the globe to see her singing idol, Ricky Ricardo.
Lucy books a suite at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, calls all the newspaper editors in town, and enthusiastically pursues her plan. Meanwhile, Ricky chides his press agent, Kenny Morgan, for dreaming up such a "cheap" stunt, but Kenny insists he didn't plant the story. It must be for real.
Lucy, as the royal princess, is introduced at the Tropicana to Ricky and swoons every time he starts singing "I Get Ideas." But after singing twenty-five songs (every other one "Babalu"), Ricky deduces it must be Lucy (who else would "ask for more"?). To get even with her, he lines up two friends, Bill Foster and Joe, who dress up like Arab-type thugs and scare the veils off Lucy and Ethel. Warding them off, Lucy admits, "I'm not a maharincess; I'm a Henna-rinsess!"
Special Notes: When Ricky enters the Waldorf suite as "Tiger," he is wearing special platform shoes that elevated him more than six inches.